Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Building a Passive Solar Heat Grabber

If you're like me you may be getting a bit annoyed by the constantly rising cost of living, especially given the ongoing economic dislocations...more about the latter later.  But today I found an old article from Mother Earth News which offers a simple d-i-y passive solar convection heater which only requires a south facing window and about $50 worth of materials, not to mention a bit of sweat equity.  In a nutshell, solar heating of a pane of glass (or polycarbonate/clear fibreglass) causes a home's cool air to be sucked into a frame outside the window and then warmed is forced back into the house.  When the sun goes down the convection cycle stops so there is no draft or air loss!  Couldn't be simpler!

I'd like to suggest that this is the sort of project that a Scout troop, religious ministry, or community organization could take on and make a significant improvement in the health and comfort of folks on small or fixed incomes.

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